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POEMAS EN MUTACIÓN, una colaboración inglés-español con la poeta neozelandesa Jodine Butler

Mutation Sea – A Collaboration Poem

by Jodine
Mutation Sea
1. I think
of remembrances
that I don't want to avoid.
Desperate waves.
2. I fight
against my brother's gentile heart
winning softness,
competitive happiness.
3. Caronte's travel
It comes, Death towards us
as a black and white film
in which once there was Love.
4. Listen
You told me beautiful stories
that filled our hearts with Joy
and eyes with feeling.
Relieved you read
that Amity kept alive,
then we could say goodbye.
5. "Come in",
you once said to me.
After that
I received your grace and blessing.
Everything would be given to you
although you were wrong.
6. Walk away
Be grateful for all they have given
pray with no shame,
it'll be your healing.
I shall see you on the horizon,
a shadow running after -
7. I disappear.
By Juan M. Santiago León & Jodine Derena Butler (Editor)
" I agree with you [Jodine, that] spanish is more romantic or passionate language, like all the latin languages are [but]... English, like other germanic languages, has a special power... [It] is a language able to call upon the forces of nature". Juan
"I absolutely love the poems, in all their forms! You have an exceptional talent Juan, for interpreting and translating poetry from English to Spanish and vice versa. Beautiful! I have enjoyed working with you so much, that I am inspired to experiment with other languages (German, French, Polish, Russian). I think we can both feel proud about our beautiful poetic creations. Thank you". Jodine
Perdida Alma Marina
1. Pienso
en recuerdos que no quiero evitar
Desesperado reflujo.
2. Lucho
contra el gentil corazón
de mi hermano,
suavidad ganadora
competitiva felicidad.
3. Viaja
y se acerca nuestra muerte
en blanco y negro
en la que una vez
existió el amor.
4. Escucha
me contabas bonitas historias
que nos daban alegría;
con ojos llenos de emoción
aliviado leías
que la amistad viva se mantenía
así fue posible decirnos adiós.
5. Ven
me dijiste una vez
recibí tu gracia y bendición.
Yo te lo daría todo
aunque tuvieras otra opinión.
6. Marcha
agradece lo que te dieron
reza sin ningún pudor
es tu curación.
En el horizonte me verás
de una sombra correr detrás
7. Desaparezco
By Juan M. Santiago León
" [It is] such a hard job [in] translating poems, because the point is not only the rhyme, the rhythm, but the sense...
but it's just another poem. And my translation of another poem is another another poem, so far from the former version in english, with another sense in spanish. Curious..." Juan
"Awesome Juan...I literally tried to capture the essence of your attempt to write [a poem] in English [for the first time]. I love seeing the Spanish version and I like the numbering... It is truly beautiful to see the poetry transform. You are quite right. Translations create poem after poem... the Spanish language is so much more romantic in my view than English". Jodine
My Lost Sea Soul
Memories from moments
Avoided to forget
But I remember
My brothers gentle heart
I let softness win
We approach our death
Black & white re-runs
Love existed
You told me beautiful stories
Memories made joyous
Emotional eyes
Our friendship
Made my feelings alive
It's much kinder to say goodbye
You said to me one time
I received your grace
I would give anything freely
Although you think
Be grateful for what was given
No shame in prayer
You'll see me on the horizon
Running after a shadow
by Jodine Derena Butler
"I will send back my version of your poem..."
Head out of the sea, floating soul
Think ´bout this :
a memory is coming to you at this moment
and you cannot avoid it
you want to forget but...
...but you can´t do it, can´t want to
because that memory is the only thing you keep
and out of it
it remains none at all.
Beat it :
The soft fight against your bro´
a competition that you´ll never win
but you always let him
because it´s glad to see the happiness
in his face.
Walk along :
An end is approaching to us
movies from other era
where it still existed love.
Listening beautiful stories made us better ones
reading emotion inside your eyes
makes me feel alive.
To share my relief with you, my friend
is a kind way to throw away.
Come with me :
As you said once,
I receive your grace
like blessed people do.
For me, anything is easy
although you think the opposite.
Exit :
You must be grateful for all the given
if you are ashamed for praying,
let your feet be watered by waves.
In the horizon, you´ll see a figure running out
follow that shadow until dissapear.
By Juan M. Santiago León
"... this first try of writing a poem in english directly, it is not a translation. Maybe it´s an exercise, an attempt".


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